Sulla stessa scia di questo post vi segnalo altre discografie di Rappamelo (Fat Jon,Prefuse 73 & MF Doom Discographies Inside).

2001 - Humanoid Erotica
2002 - Wave Motion
2004 - Lightweight Heavy
2006 - Afterthought
2006 - The Same Channel (with Styrofoam)
2007 - Hundred Eight Stars
2008 - Repaint Tomorrow
Fat Jon Discography (7 Albums)

2001 - Vocal Studies + Uprock Narratives
2003 - One Word Extinguisher
2005 - Surrounded by Silence
2007 - Preparations
2007 - Interregnums [Preparations Bonus CD]
2009 - Everything She Touched Turned Ampexian
Prefuse 73 Discography (6 Albums)

With KMD:
1991 - Mr. Hood
2001 - Black Bastards
As MF Doom
1999 - Operation Doomsday
2004 - MM..Food?
2004 - MM..LeftOvers
2004 - MM..More Food
2004 - Special Blends Vol. 1+2
2005 - Live From Planet X
As Metal Fingers
Special Herbs Series (Vol.1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0)
With MF Grimm:
2000 - MF
2004 - Special Herbs & Spices Vol. 1
As King Gheedorah
2003 - Take Me To Your Leader
With Monsta Island Czars Crew:
2003 - Escape From Monsta Island
As Viktor Vaughn
2003 - Vaudeville Villain
2004 - Venomous Villain
As DangerDoom With Danger Mouse
2005 - The Mouse & The Mask
2006 - Occult Hymn EP
MF Doom Discography (20 Albums)
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